‘I’m enjoying each moment, the simple things, as never before’: Sunday Paper Readers on Rewriting Their Own Narratives


After The Sunday Paper published Maria’s powerful and personal essay on rewriting her narrative, dozens of readers shared with us their own stories of evolution – the painful and the joyous moments of their journeys. Below is a selection of the reader comments:

I really enjoyed listening to Maria this past week. I wasn’t moving around cleaning, or answering emails, or thinking about what I needed to do next. I sat with my coffee and listened. Really listened. And then, I was still. I enjoyed my time of calm and stillness. You see, I had a life-saving kidney transplant almost 10 months ago. It put my life into perspective. I’m enjoying each moment, the simple things, as never before. At age 47, I am slowing down to really listen and to see what is around me. I love my girls, and never thought this could be possible, but I love them even more now, as we are together, blessed with this new perspective and blessing from my donor. Life is much brighter these days and I find myself trying to experience life with joy, wonder and a sense of calmness and peace.

This week my plan includes walking for one hour each day and reading, while sitting outside, for some time each day. It’s definitely different since, as an elementary teacher for more than 20 years, this is normally a hectic and stressful month. Thank you, Maria, for sharing with us and for reading this. You have inspired me this past week.


I love the Sunday Paper and all that Maria has to offer.  Some of my mantras growing up and over the years were… Work hard, show up every single day for everybody, be respectful, respect authority, be humble, give thanks, have good manners and give back to your community… it’s no wonder the years flew by and we took very little time for ourselves to pause and reflect on our successes and accomplishments not to mention our failures. We just kept pushing and pushing day in and day out. I’m just so content to now be at the stage in my life that I’m comfortable not only with who I am but what my story stands for and still contribute at a pace that feels so good to me. I can finally reflect, pause and be still and “feel good” at the same time. Thank you, Maria, for sharing your vulnerabilities and prayers in the Sunday Paper. You’ve made a difference to me and so many others.


I am a longtime reader of the Sunday Paper and I look forward to it every week. I’m loving how Maria is now emphasizing more on how important stillness, peace, joy and contentment are in her life. Seven years ago (this week, in fact) was a profound, life-changing period of my life that I will forever be grateful for. Seven years ago, I began breaking up with my limiting beliefs and fear-based stories. I was finally done carrying around the heaviness of my sadness and shame, and so I decided to allow myself to crumble.

I’ve learned on my journey thus far that once you make tranquility a priority in your life, your entire world begins to change. I granted myself the permission to un-become who I once was and I allowed myself the gift of becoming the woman I want to be. I have completely changed the trajectory of my life simply because I chose peace… I love operating from a place of peace because it allows me the opportunity to be my loving authentic-self and interact with others who are their loving and authentic selves as well.

Once I stopped allowing fear and shame to dictate how I “should” be living my life, I granted myself the permission to let the world see who I really am because she’s amazing! And in return, I’ve created a dialogue with people, both folks I know and strangers all over the world, who have either felt like I have or are moving through all their emotions and leaning into them on a daily basis like I am and it makes me feel more connected to myself and humanity.


Cydney is an editor of The Sunday Paper. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two dogs.

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