Chocolate Pumpkin Cheesecake Bars


The Sunday Dinner Club: We here at The Sunday Paper believe in meaningful conversations around the table, and we want to encourage you to start your own Sunday Dinner Club. Invite friends and family members to your home, reach out virtually, and share meaningful conversations. Then report back to us and tell us about the experience.

The Ingredients of a Meaningful Dinner: 1) Set an intention. 2) Say Grace. 3) Serve healthy food. 4) Start talking. 5) Be open-minded and listen.

Conversation Starter: Offer situations in which you’ve displayed guts, courage, and determination in your life? 




For the Crust

For the filling



Gaby Dalkin is a cookbook author, private chef, entrepreneur, and writer. Founded in 2009, her website What’s Gaby Cooking established her as the go-to lifestyle source for all things California. She has written several cookbooks including her most recent, What’s Gaby Cooking: Eat What You Want: 125 Recipes for Real Life.

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