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“I became a journalist to tell stories. I’ve always believed media can Inform and Inspire—and most importantly, can Move Humanity Forward.  That’s what I try to do with every story I tell.”

Maria Shriver

NBC News Reporting

Maria has won Emmy and Peabody Awards for her journalism and producing. She currently serves as a Special Anchor for NBC News, reporting on various current events and trends in American society. Her groundbreaking reporting on the State of Women's Health recently earned a prestigious Gracie Award.

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Shriver Snapshots Reports

Built on the important legacy of The Shriver Report Project — Special Editions, “The Shriver Report Snapshots” is a quick-dive, high-impact brand of reporting and analysis for our changing global landscape. The Shriver Report Snapshots paint a real-time picture of contemporary cultural issues, inform through cutting-edge survey results, inspire engagement with targeted challenges and ignite stereotype-cracking dialogue.