Finding the Positive in Mercury Retrograde


Just the thought of Mercury Retrograde sends the mind into a tailspin! We all hear about the negative aspects that happen during Mercury Retrograde: technology breakdowns, miscommunications, bad business decisions. The list goes on. Everything seems like it’s actually going haywire!

Well guess what, everyone? We have the power to find the GOOD in Mercury Retrograde! We can take a different perspective on it and we don’t need to blame this celestial event for the greater part of the year and the years to come. We can all learn to reframe this unstable period. We can even be grateful for this downtime and use Mercury Retrograde to our advantage!

First, we need to identify exactly when retrograde begins and ends. Mark it on our calendars, be diligent and stay in front of it so its effect won’t throw you off-guard.

This retrograde started February 17th and will end March 10th. You should also be aware that there is also a two-week pre-shadow period and a two-week post-shadow period.

Mercury is retrograde three times this year. (This is the first of this year). This particular retrograde that we have moved into is supposed to be less intense compared to the other two periods. It is the first retrograde of the decade.

Under this energy our intuition will be revealing our false realities. We will be uncovering things we have never seen before. Psychic abilities and prophetic dreams will be popping up during this time. This is a great moment to reboot a new plan or develop your talents.

According to Lisa Stardust, a retrograde Astrologer, this retrograde brings up astrological disruptions in different ways, and it’s all about confusion. I don’t know about you but that drives me crazy. When Mercury enters the house of March 7th Aquarius our emotions will be lighter and clearer.

Here are some steps to take to keep retrograde on your side:

Now no one is saying do nothing during this period. That could be detrimental.

Astrologer Helen Frost warns: how you channel your energy is pivotal. Staying still and being a couch potato could cause serious and unpredictable repercussions. I know for me in the past I felt paralyzed like I couldn’t move. But once I found clarity I realized it was up to me not to be stuck in “the Mercury Retrograde rut.

Be proactive by:

Poor diet and lack of self-care could lead to bad decisions, brain fog, anxious feelings, and chaotic thinking which leads to a confused state, and unconscious major miscommunication and decisions.

Just imagine if YOU are feeling this way, most probably your friends or business associates are in the same fog. Here’s how to take care of yourself during retrograde:

According to astrologer Vaness Henry, Mercury Retrograde doesn’t cause us to make more mistakes, it helps us find the mistakes we’ve already made. It’s a great time to re-flect, re-new, re-lax, rest, slow down and heal.

And for your reference, the other Retrograde 2020 dates are June 18-July 12 and October 14th-November 3.


Susie Sheinberg is a producer in the entertainment industry as well as a friend and reader of The Sunday Paper.

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