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Maria Shriver’s Sunday Paper: An Easter Sunday Message For You

“Salvation is the root. The resurrection is the fruit.”  — Bishop T.D. Jakes

Happy Easter! Happy Easter! Happy Easter!

Just writing those words makes me smile.

Easter is all about rising and resurrection, as I mentioned last week. That makes me smile this morning as well. Rising isn’t easy, but it is aspirational. Each of us will be called to rise up throughout our lives, and how we answer that call will say a lot about who we are and who we want to be.

There will be times when we’ll be called to rise above certain situations, certain experiences, and certain people and the way they treat us. The good news is that each of us has an inner fortitude that will be there for us when we need it.

Last Sunday, we bore witness to Tiger Woods rising up from years of disappointment, heartache and pain to win the 2019 Masters Tournament at Augusta National. Amidst his darkest moments, Tiger put his head down, stayed the course, and silenced the naysayers (of which there were plenty) as he worked his way back up.

Those kind of human triumph stories are all around us. There are stories of people rising up from tragedy. Stories of people rising up from a handicap or health challenge. Stories of people rising up from a loss. The list goes on. They may not get the same attention as a Tiger Woods comeback, but they really are everywhere.

I’m endlessly inspired by stories like these because they bring me hope and motivate me to keep striving and trying and growing. I’m also inspired by the voices of inspirational thinkers like Brené Brown, Angie Johnston, Dan Siegel, Dani Shapiro and Rabbi Steve Leder, who we share with you in this morning’s Sunday Paper. Their stories are also all about encouraging you to step into the arena, get vulnerable, learn who you truly are, and believe in yourself enough to move forward.

At some point, all of us will experience a resurrection in our lives. We’ll get knocked down, have to rewrite our narrative, and have to rise up and make that new story work for us.

Easter is about the power of resurrection and the story of Jesus Christ, but it can also be about the power of the comeback in all of our lives. It can be about the resurrection of churches, of careers, of broken lives, or of anything that knocks us down and spits us out.

This week, I was really moved by everyone who rose up to help Notre Dame after the horrific fire. I was also moved by those who rose up to support the struggling black churches in our country that were destroyed by arson. I mean, wow. Both of these news stories are about institutions suffering a blow, but they will resurrect themselves and rise again with the help of other people.

Another story that really touched me this week was that of Bailey Jean Matheson, who died this month at age 35 after battling cancer. Before passing, Bailey carefully wrote her own obituary and shared a powerful message reminding us all to “live a little.”

Her letter blew me away and reminded me not to take one day for granted or spoil the moment we have right here, right now. It also reminded me to rise above all the stupid stuff that I complain about. On this Easter morning, my heart goes out to Bailey’s parents. I simply cannot imagine losing my only child. That’s probably the toughest thing there is to rise above. May we hold them and others like them in our collective prayers.

I recently met a life coach named Renee who explained to me the power of focus. She told me that focusing on the positive and on what’s possible will help you in every other area of your life. So now that Lent is over, commit yourself to a new goal: focus on rising in your own life. Focus on rising above hurt, rising above a complicated family situation, rising above whatever place you find yourself in this very moment.

Don’t go down a rabbit hole and put all your energy into the Mueller report or the divisiveness in Washington D.C. Instead, focus yourself forward. Focus yourself on how you want to move humanity forward. Focus on where you want to be. Put your energy there.

That’s what I’m planning to do from this day forward. And you know what? I already feel lighter.


Dear God, please give me the courage to face life’s trying moments and resurrect myself and move forward. Amen.

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On My Podcast “Meaningful Conversations,” Author Brené Brown Talks About Why You Should Choose Courage Over Comfort

I was thrilled to sit down with best-selling author Brené Brown for this week’s episode of my “Meaningful Conversations” podcast. Brené talks about her new Netflix special, “Brené Brown: The Call to Courage,” which came out this past Friday, and discusses what it takes to choose courage over comfort in a culture defined by scarcity, fear, and uncertainty and 

Dr. Dan Siegel Explains How Rethinking the Question ‘Who Am I?’ Can Change Your Outlook on Life

I am so honored that best-selling author Dr. Dan Siegel, clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine and Executive Director of the Mindsight Institute, wrote this exclusive piece for The Sunday Paper. He asks the eternal question, “Who am I?” and reflects upon the meaning of “identity.”

Learn more about identity and the ways you can support cultivating a healthier planet and personal life with Dr. Dan Siegel, Jack Kornfield, Reverend Ed Bacon, and more, at their Timeless Wisdom, Timely Action Gathering April 26-28, 2019 in Marina del Rey, CA.

During This Week of Passover, Rabbi Steve Leder Offers An Invitation to Be Kind

In his latest book “More Beautiful Than Before: How Suffering Transforms Us,”Architect of Change Rabbi Steve Leder reveals that there is profound power in the suffering we endure if we can transform that suffering into a more authentic, meaningful life. In this excerpt from the book, Rabbi Leder talks about the power of showing compassion and kindness. 

Angie Johnston Explains Why We Must Fall in Order to Rise

This is a thought-provoking piece from our SP columnist Angie Johnston. Angie says we all experience falls in life, but if your next “fall is honored and received…with each and every fall in life, you will rise with more grace, more patience, more compassion.”

The Stories We Carry: Talking with Acclaimed Memoirist Dani Shapiro

Best-selling author Dani Shapiro shares the experiences that have shaped her life and moved her forward with our friends at 1440 Multiversity. According to Dani, “I wanted to live inside of spiritual questions, yet I didn’t know how.” 

We carry our stories inside of us. Some are easier to tell than others. There are tales we polish into well-formed, amusing anecdotes. Others we bury deep until they rise up and take us by surprise. Learn to excavate your life stories and articulate your self-discovery with New York Times  best-selling author Dani Shapiro at 1440 Multiversity from December 6 – 8, 2019. 



1. Parisians Sing ‘Ave Maria’ Outside a Burning Notre Dame Cathedral: This is so so touching to watch and hear. As their beloved cathedral burned this week, the people of Paris gathered outside to sing in unity. 

2. Do Harry and Meghan Have the Right to Keep the Birth of Their Baby Private? Following the announcement that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle would keep the birth of their baby private, the press reacted negatively, claiming “The public has a right to know about the lives of those largely funded by their taxes…” It’s an interesting debate. 

3. David Brooks on Emerging from Loneliness to Find ‘Moral Renewal’: I always love the voice of New York Times columnist David Brooks, and I love that he’s speaking about social isolation and the importance of community. This PBS interview about his new book is worth checking out. 

4. Do Religious People Live Longer?: This is an interesting piece from Time magazine. Studies show a link between attending religious services and living a long time, which is likely due to the act of congregating with a like-minded community. 

5. Feeling Sad Can Change How Boys Relate to Others: This is another interesting piece from Greater Good Magazine. A new study explores how boys’ moods can make them less willing to share. 

6. Microplastics Are Raining Down from the Sky, Even in the Mountains: This disturbing story from National Geographic was sent to me by my daughter, SP editor-at-large Christina Schwarzenegger. According to the report, “scientists recorded a daily rate of 365 microplastic particles per square meter falling from the sky in the Pyrenees Mountains in southern France” with no apparent source. 

7. Miniature Horses Offer Therapy and HopeChristina also sent me this great story about a volunteer-based organization, Mane in Heaven, that keeps and trains miniature therapy horses, which they take to schools and hospitals to offer their therapeutic support. 

8. Yippee! Moment of the Week: I’m so touched by the kindness of this middle school boy who befriended and helped a 5-year-old autistic boy use his skateboard. It illustrates that expressing compassion never starts too early. 


A Neuroscientist Tells Us What To Eat To Reduce Our Risk of Alzheimer’s 

“Although we can’t say that proper diet will definitely prevent Alzheimer’s disease, it doesn’t hurt to do what we can to make sure we stay healthy as long as possible.” Here’s how to eat to reduce our risk for Alzheimer’s, according to neuroscientist Dr. Nicole Avena.

THE WOMEN’S ALZHEIMER’S MOVEMENT is a global movement of game changers, groundbreakers, and cultivators of hope. We’re working to wipe out Alzheimer’s and change the future for all minds


Why Sunday Dinners Matter: We believe that Sunday Dinners matter! Why? Because they are an opportunity to put down our phones and communicate face-to-face with one another. It is where meaningful conversations begin, and that moves humanity forward.

Recipe For Your Sunday Dinner: This recipe for Armenian Easter Bread is from Sunday Paper Ambassador Mary Abitanto. This buttery, sweet bread, similar to challah, is sure to become a family favorite, not just at Easter time, but any time of the year. 

This Week’s Dinner Conversation Starter: On this Easter Sunday, ask your guests around the table: How have you risen in your life?


In recognition of Earth Day on Monday, we’re sharing this beloved poem by Joyce Kilmer, written in 1913. Kilmer reminds us that the beauty created by nature can never be replicated by man.

And if you want to do something to preserve our planet for future generations, go to www.earthday.org/.

SHOP, SHOP SHOP! AThe Maria Shriver Collection: Good for You, Your Mind, & the World 

Visit the shop on MariaShriver.com to get Maria’s book “I’ve Been Thinking,” her coloring book for Alzheimer’s “Color Your Mind,” the Maria candle, Rivet Revolution bracelets benefiting The Women’s Alzheimer’s Movement, her new Maria BrainHQ program, and more!


Do you have feedback on The Sunday Paper? Do you have ideas for content or changemakers that we should feature in an upcoming edition? If so, connect with us below.



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The Sunday Paper is an award-winning digital publication for those with passion and purpose who want to live a deeply meaningful life and move themselves and humanity forward. We sit at the intersection of news, culture, aging, health, purpose, and spirituality bringing readers ideas, insights, and inspiration from the world’s greatest hearts and minds every week.