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Maria Shriver’s Sunday Paper: The Power to Rise Again

“We may stumble and fall, but shall rise again; it should be enough if we did not run away from the battle.”  — Mahatma Gandhi

Today marks the beginning of Holy Week.

As a child, I used to love going to church on Palm Sunday and trying to turn my palm into a crucifix or some type of animal. I also loved Holy Week because it usually meant I was out of school for Easter vacation.

These days when I go to church on Palm Sunday, though, I find myself really thinking about the significance of the day. I also find myself thinking about how fast the court of public opinion can change someone’s life, just as it did for Jesus Christ.

On Sunday, he was met with adoration. By Friday, he was dead on the cross. I mention this because if we spend our whole lives working for other people’s admiration and validation, it’s worth remembering that external validation can change on a moment’s notice.

External validation is fluid, fragile and ever-changing. What isn’t fluid, though, is one’s relationship with a higher power. That is what allowed Jesus Christ to say, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”

What is constant in your life is you, and what is powerful is what’s within you. I was reminded of that this week when I heard Lauren London, the girlfriend of the late musician Nipsey Hussle, speak at his funeral in Los Angeles on Thursday.

She quoted Hussle as having said to her, “The game is going to test you, never fold. Stay ten toes down. It’s not on you, it’s in you. And what’s in you, they can’t take away.”

He was right. Life is a test. It was for Jesus Christ, it was for his mother Mary, and it is for each and every one of us.

Life will always test us. I know it has tested me, and I know it has tested you. On many occasions, I have found myself saying, “Wow, I didn’t see that coming.” Or, “Wow, I have no experience for how to deal with that.”

I have also found myself wondering at times, “Is there more coming?”

But over the years, I have also found great moments of awe and wonder and joy in life’s surprises. Time and again, these surprises have led to me discover strength within myself that I never knew existed.

I say all this to remind you that if your week starts out great, but hits a bump along the way, you can still rise again by the following Sunday.

Life will test you and it will surprise you, but you have everything you need to rise up and move forward with strength and courage. I love knowing this to be true. I love believing it.

So, enjoy Holy Week. You don’t have to be Catholic to do so. Actually, Catholics usually suffer through this week, but I’m not doing that anymore. Now I know that no matter what happens on any given day, the next day is a holy day that gives me another chance to rise up. I also know that I’ve got everything inside of me that I need to rise. So do you.


Dear God, please give me the strength to know that if I stumble or face setbacks, I can—and I will—rise again. Amen.

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1. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to Keep the Birth of Their Baby Private: The prince and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have announced that they will keep the baby’s birth private, and will publicly reveal details of the birth only after they’ve celebrated together. I don’t blame them for wanting their privacy for such a joyous, yet personal, experience. 

2. The Gender Pay Gap For Doctors Is Widening: This is disheartening news. According to a 2019 report from the medical news site Medscape, pay for primary care physicians and specialists has risen by about 20 percent since 2015, but the increases have not been equal for male and female doctors.

3. Scientists Explain Why Experiencing Awe Can Help You Live Your Best Life: This is a great read from NBC News’ “Better” that reveals what happens when we experience “awe” and how the emotion can play an important role in bolstering happiness, health, and our social interactions. 

4. Effects of Childhood Trauma May Persist in Brain Connectivity of Depressed Patients: I found this to be an interesting piece from the site Psych Central. A study led by Penn Medicine researchers found that childhood trauma is linked to abnormal connectivity in the brain in adults with major depressive disorder (MDD).

5. Working Later in Life Can Pay Off in More Ways Than Just Income: This is a great piece from Harvard Health about why working later in life is not just good for your wallet. 

6. 5 Simple Lessons For Living in the Present from Someone with Stage 4 Cancer and a Brain Tumor: We can all learn a lot from this insightful Washington Post piece. Writer Chris Seiple offers life lessons for moving forward.

7. Yippee! Moment of the Week: When 80-year-old Haze Mabry, a janitor at Pike County Elementary in Zebulon, Ga., showed up for work, nearly 800 students greeted him to wish him a happy birthday. Yippee for Mr. Mabry! 


Groundbreaking Alliance Between WAM and UCLA Will Provide Funding For Women-Based Alzheimer’s Research 

The Women’s Alzheimer’s Movement and David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA have partnered to establish the Women’s Alzheimer’s Movement Research Initiative at UCLA. The initiative will fund a faculty member in UCLA’s Semel Institute, or at the Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital at UCLA, to conduct sex- and gender-based Alzheimer’s disease research. This exciting announcement was made at the Wonder of Women Summit held on April 11 at UCLA.

THE WOMEN’S ALZHEIMER’S MOVEMENT is a global movement of game changers, groundbreakers, and cultivators of hope. We’re working to wipe out Alzheimer’s and change the future for all minds


This mouth-watering recipe for Sesame Seed-Crusted Salmon With Green Beans and Orange Miso Sauce is from “The Good Gut” by Justin Sonnenburg and Erica Sonnenberg, Ph.Ds. It’s the perfect choice for your Sunday Dinner! 


I love this beautiful piece by Hafiz. He reminds us that it’s okay to be silent and to revel in the clarity it can bring to our daily lives.

SHOP, SHOP SHOP! AThe Maria Shriver Collection: Good for You, Your Mind, & the World 

Visit the shop on MariaShriver.com to get Maria’s book “I’ve Been Thinking,” her coloring book for Alzheimer’s “Color Your Mind,” the Maria candle, Rivet Revolution bracelets benefiting The Women’s Alzheimer’s Movement, her new Maria BrainHQ program, and more!


Do you have feedback on The Sunday Paper? Do you have ideas for content or changemakers that we should feature in an upcoming edition? If so, connect with us below.



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The Sunday Paper is an award-winning digital publication for those with passion and purpose who want to live a deeply meaningful life and move themselves and humanity forward. We sit at the intersection of news, culture, aging, health, purpose, and spirituality bringing readers ideas, insights, and inspiration from the world’s greatest hearts and minds every week.