I want “to be” kind and gracious to my family the most.
I want “to be” spontaneous with gifts, trips, and treats (yes all 3).
I want “to be” patient with others…because Lord knows I need patience.
I want “to be” generous to the core.
I want “to be” the first to laugh and last to criticize.
I want “to be” great at empowering others.
Chad Veach is the founder and lead pastor of ZOE Church in Los Angeles, California. He is an international speaker, best-selling author, and host of Leadership Lean In— a discussion-based podcast specializing in organizational health, creativity and leadership development. His first-ever leadership book, “HELP! I Work with People” releases August 18th everywhere books are sold. Chad and his wife, Julia, reside in Los Angeles with their four children, Georgia, Winston, Maverick and Clive.