My Sunday ‘To Be’ List


I want TO BE more active in the world of social justice. More than posting.

I want TO BE a good mother even if my sense of humor causes my kids to throw food at me.

I want TO BE someone that has cocktails. Fancy ones. But I never liked the taste of alcohol.

I want TO BE able to watch the news without throwing up.

I want TO BE able to adopt every discarded child and animal. Except for snakes. They’re on their own.

I want TO BE in college again. Not because I had flawless skin then, but I would show up to my ethics in the Weimar Republic class. And make more short films.

I want TO BE more active. To stave off death. And deal with my belly.

I want TO BE First Lady.


Ali Wentworth is an actress, comedian, producer and best-selling author. Her new podcast “Go Ask Ali” tackles the insanity of modern life and is available now.

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