My Sunday ‘To Be’ List


I want “to be” an amazing mother that inspires, love, kindness, passion, and strength in my children.

I want “to be” of service to others and help make the world a better place.

I want to continue doing my part in the fight against COVID 19 in which our amazing team at CORE has vaccinated over 1 million people & has tested over 5.1 million Nationwide.

I want “to be” “to thine own self true.”


Soleil Moon Frye is an actress, director, producer, and screenwriter. She catapulted into fame as a child actor, notably garnering the role of Punky Brewster in the hit TV show. Frye is the author of the books Happy Chaos: From Punky to Parenting and My Perfectly Imperfect Adventures in Between and Let’s Get This Party Started. Frye directed the 2021 documentary Kid 90, in which she used archived footage she shot in the 1990s to showcase her life as a Hollywood teen.

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