Sunday Paper Recommends

At The Sunday Paper, we want to inspire you to gather at your table—virtually or with friends and family—and open your heart and mind to conversations that will move the needle. After all, the dinner table is where we connect on topics and map out the changes we can all make that’ll really move the needle.

This week, to encourage your conversations, we recommend checking out the following:

To Eat:

This Banana Buttermilk Bread by Claire Ptak is as delicious as it is simple to bake. We suggest making two loaves!

To Watch:

The Adam Project. A heartfelt and thrilling dystopian movie, this story follows Adam Reed as he steals his time jet to head to a rescue mission in 2018. Instead, he mistakenly crash-lands in 2022 where he meets his 12-year-old self. 

To Learn:

Sunday Paper contributor and bestselling author Martha Beck dedicates her work to helping people find their purpose. She’s offering this free masterclass, 5 Paths to Your Purpose, to help you notice and name the paths to your purpose even if you’re not be able to see them. Don’t miss out!

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